Undoubtedly positive and with concrete implications here are the results of the 3rd partnership meeting held on 18th and 19th July 2019, in Santa Cesarea Terme (Le), at the “Palazzo” hotel.
Two days of intense work and profitable synergy between all the partners of the Re.Co.Rd – Interreg Greece-Italy project.
During the two days important operational details emerged regarding the next actions to be implemented. Six of these will have demonstrative purposes and will focus on the subject of correct recovery and reuse of plastic waste.
All this will be done entirely on Greek and Salento beaches in August
In short, small awareness-raising events – disseminated through social media – aimed at citizens and tourists.
Furthermore, during the partnership meeting, some final aspects relating to the definition of an international training session on the sustainable management of coastal areas, that will take place in September in Greece, were evaluated.
The latter is a proposal addressed to professionals, recent graduates and scholars in the sector, representatives of public bodies and NGOs, etc. Further details will be announced shortly.